LawSense Law for School Nurses

Date14 March 2025
Time11.00am-2.45 pm AEDT (Syd/Mel time)
FormatLive Online & Recorded. The recording can be viewed until 14 April 2025
Pricing$440. Prices includes gst.
CPDCPD hours available for nurses. This PD also addresses 7.2.2. of the teachers' Standards.
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11.00    LawSense Welcome

11.05    Chairperson’s Introduction

Lisa Chalmers, Director of Health & Wellbeing, Barker College; Board Director, APNA

11.10    Duty of Care and Case Studies: Examining the Extent of Your Obligations, Takeaways from Recent Cases / Coronial and Concussion Update

Extent of Duty of Care

  • Outlining the current boundaries of a school nurses’ duty of care: to the school and school staff; the student; the parent – does your duty go further than providing initial response or first aid?
  • Understanding the extent of your duties in different contexts including duties:
    • to seek or obtain information about a student from the school, parents or other sources
    • to report suspected medical issues and seek input from other medical professionals
  • preventing a student attending school without a management plan in place for an illness or condition
  • Examining the extent of the school nurse’s duties where mental health issues are suspected or diagnosed
  • What are the consequences of breaching duty of care: how is the school nurse exposed

Concussion Update

  • Understanding a school’s current obligations for concussion sustained at school and non-school activities
  • Obtaining adequate medical clearance
  • Exploring best practice in return to school learning

Recent Cases Analysis and Learnings

  • Examining take-aways for school nurses from recent cases and coronial inquests, including findings regarding:
    • assessment and management of medical conditions
    • approach to addressing medical issues and illnesses arising at the camp, excursion or trip, including dealing with parent requests regarding what action to take
    • working with external/third party providers

Bernadette Fay, Director of Legal, Risk and Compliance, Barker College; Formerly, Registered Nurse

12.10    Break

12.25    Implementing Effective and Compliant Medication Management in Your School

Outline of Key Relevant Laws

  • Understanding key laws applying to medication management in schools and application to school nurses

Duties Where Students Self-Administer

  • Exploring obligations where students self-administer medication:
    • when should you allow this
    • to what extent should you monitor students to ensure they have the relevant medication and are taking the medication

Administration of Medicines by Non-Clinical School Staff

  • Examining the rights, obligations and risks in allowing medication administration by non-clinical staff
  • Exploring the level of qualifications or training non-clinical staff should have

Special Considerations with Excursions, Camps or Trips

  • Students with a disability, chronic illness or medication requirements:
    • exploring the limits of reasonable adjustments required regarding medication on school camps
    • learning from case studies, scenarios and work-arounds involving medication management

Monitoring Side Effects and Dealing with Medication Errors

  • Examining obligations to monitor side effect or adverse effects of medication
  • Exploring best practice in responding to medication errors by students, staff or nurses

Storage of Medicines

  • Examining key legal requirements in medication storage and implementing best practice

Nevena Brown, Principal, Meridian Lawyers

1.25      Break

1.40      Examining Best Practice Note-Taking and Documentation By School Nurses and Exploring AI

Outlining key law and principles to apply in note-taking and record keeping by school nurses

  • Understanding how note/lack of notes has been used against practitioners in proceedings – case studies
  • Examining key aspects of notetaking to meet legal risk and avoid criticism by Courts

Documenting Medical Events, Triage, Discussion with Parents

  • Exploring key events and processes where school nurses should take notes
  • Examining best practice in documenting medical events, triage and discussion with parents
  • When should you have parents confirm in writing what was discussed and agreed?

Documenting Medication Administration and Management

  • Recording medications given at school
  • Documenting medication on school camps
  • Recording the effect or reactions to medicines

Documenting and Updating Student Management or Medication Plans

  • Managing student management and medication plans:
    • exploring when they should be required and renewed
    • obtaining the required information from parents or medical professionals
  • Best practice in documenting medication plans – what should be included?

Emerging Options – Using AI to Generate Session Notes, Records and Plans

  • Exploring the emerging and potential role of AI in school nursing practice
  • Understanding key legal risks and potential options for managing them

Nevena Brown, Principal, Meridian Lawyers

2.40      Chairperson’s Conclusion

2.45      Close Webinar

Presenters / panelists include:

Lisa Chalmers has a Bachelor of Nursing and master’s in public health with a background in epidemiology/ vaccine research and surveillance. Lisa began her nursing career at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne in NICU and commenced her school nursing career as ‘Matron’ at an International Boarding School in Singapore in the 1990’s caring for the children of expats from all over the world. She has worked extensively in both hospital and community roles in Singapore, Dublin and Fiji where she headed up the Health Centre at the US Embassy.
Bernadette Fay started her career in emergency and trauma nursing in Sydney before moving into leading Public Health roles including serving as the Queensland Women’s Health Officer. Bernadette was admitted as a solicitor in 2006. Bernadette became the lead investigator and managed enterprise risk for NSW Health in clinical and corporate governance roles before joining the NSW Health Care Complaints Commission, including leading the dispute resolution division. Bernadette has moved into the education sector, joining Barker College as the Director of Risk & Compliance.
Nevena Brown brings a common-sense confidence to her work, and more than 25 years’ experience. Her experience with liability claims is enhanced from having worked as a senior solicitor at NZI/CGU Insurance Ltd for five years. Nevena has advised and defended claims for GIO General Ltd, Vero Insurance, NZI/CGU Insurance Ltd, QBE Europe and other major insurers.

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