Date | 14 March 2025 |
Time | 11.00am-2.45 pm AEDT (Syd/Mel time) |
Format | Live Online & Recorded. The recording can be viewed until 14 April 2025 |
Pricing | $440. Prices includes gst. |
CPD | CPD hours available for nurses. This PD also addresses 7.2.2. of the teachers' Standards. |
Other related LawSense Events |
11.00 LawSense Welcome
11.05 Chairperson’s Introduction
Lisa Chalmers, Director of Health & Wellbeing, Barker College; Board Director, APNA
11.10 Duty of Care and Case Studies: Examining the Extent of Your Obligations, Takeaways from Recent Cases / Coronial and Concussion Update
Extent of Duty of Care
- Outlining the current boundaries of a school nurses’ duty of care: to the school and school staff; the student; the parent – does your duty go further than providing initial response or first aid?
- Understanding the extent of your duties in different contexts including duties:
- to seek or obtain information about a student from the school, parents or other sources
- to report suspected medical issues and seek input from other medical professionals
- preventing a student attending school without a management plan in place for an illness or condition
- Examining the extent of the school nurse’s duties where mental health issues are suspected or diagnosed
- What are the consequences of breaching duty of care: how is the school nurse exposed
Concussion Update
- Understanding a school’s current obligations for concussion sustained at school and non-school activities
- Obtaining adequate medical clearance
- Exploring best practice in return to school learning
Recent Cases Analysis and Learnings
- Examining take-aways for school nurses from recent cases and coronial inquests, including findings regarding:
- assessment and management of medical conditions
- approach to addressing medical issues and illnesses arising at the camp, excursion or trip, including dealing with parent requests regarding what action to take
- working with external/third party providers
Bernadette Fay, Director of Legal, Risk and Compliance, Barker College; Formerly, Registered Nurse
12.10 Break
12.25 Implementing Effective and Compliant Medication Management in Your School
Outline of Key Relevant Laws
- Understanding key laws applying to medication management in schools and application to school nurses
Duties Where Students Self-Administer
- Exploring obligations where students self-administer medication:
- when should you allow this
- to what extent should you monitor students to ensure they have the relevant medication and are taking the medication
Administration of Medicines by Non-Clinical School Staff
- Examining the rights, obligations and risks in allowing medication administration by non-clinical staff
- Exploring the level of qualifications or training non-clinical staff should have
Special Considerations with Excursions, Camps or Trips
- Students with a disability, chronic illness or medication requirements:
- exploring the limits of reasonable adjustments required regarding medication on school camps
- learning from case studies, scenarios and work-arounds involving medication management
Monitoring Side Effects and Dealing with Medication Errors
- Examining obligations to monitor side effect or adverse effects of medication
- Exploring best practice in responding to medication errors by students, staff or nurses
Storage of Medicines
- Examining key legal requirements in medication storage and implementing best practice
Nevena Brown, Principal, Meridian Lawyers
1.25 Break
1.40 Examining Best Practice Note-Taking and Documentation By School Nurses and Exploring AI
Outlining key law and principles to apply in note-taking and record keeping by school nurses
- Understanding how note/lack of notes has been used against practitioners in proceedings – case studies
- Examining key aspects of notetaking to meet legal risk and avoid criticism by Courts
Documenting Medical Events, Triage, Discussion with Parents
- Exploring key events and processes where school nurses should take notes
- Examining best practice in documenting medical events, triage and discussion with parents
- When should you have parents confirm in writing what was discussed and agreed?
Documenting Medication Administration and Management
- Recording medications given at school
- Documenting medication on school camps
- Recording the effect or reactions to medicines
Documenting and Updating Student Management or Medication Plans
- Managing student management and medication plans:
- exploring when they should be required and renewed
- obtaining the required information from parents or medical professionals
- Best practice in documenting medication plans – what should be included?
Emerging Options – Using AI to Generate Session Notes, Records and Plans
- Exploring the emerging and potential role of AI in school nursing practice
- Understanding key legal risks and potential options for managing them
Nevena Brown, Principal, Meridian Lawyers
2.40 Chairperson’s Conclusion
2.45 Close Webinar
Presenters / panelists include: