Updating & Optimising Contracts, Declining Enrolment & Dealing With Challenging Scenarios
Date | 29 May 2025 |
Time | 12.00pm-3.45pm AEST (Syd/Melb/Bris Time) |
Venue | Live Online with recording (recording access expires 29 June 2025) |
Pricing | $440 Prices includes gst. |
Sector | Non-State Schools |
CPD | Addresses 7.2 of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. |
12.00 LawSense Welcome
12.05 Chairperson’s Introduction
Dr Julie McGonigle, Head of School, St Andrew’s Cathedral School (NSW)
12.10 Refusing Enrolment – Navigating Disability, Unjustifiable Hardship, Gender and Other Issues
- Exploring the grounds upon which a school may wish to query or decline enrolment:
- student behaviour record or incidents or school refusal in previous schools
- student disability which is unable to be reasonably accommodated
- other issues, including sex or gender, the religious/ideological basis of or operational limitations of the school
- Examining best practice in assessing enrolment, including using enrolment panels
- Navigating rights and obligations where the student is expressing a different gender to their sex on the birth certificate
Student Behaviour
- Student behaviour record – ensuring you obtain all key information from parents and the student before forming a view
- Examining key considerations in declining enrolment based on information you have about student behaviour
Student Disability
- Student disability:
- examining when and on what basis a school can decline enrolment
- ensuring you have sought all the relevant information in order to make a defensible decision
- declining enrolment where information has not been provided or where misleading information has been given
Unjustifiable Hardship
- Examining when you can decline enrolment for unjustifiable hardship. What is ’unjustifiable’?
- Balancing the impacts:
- on other students – to what extent does this factor into ‘unjustifiable hardship’ or ‘reasonable’ adjustments?
- impacts on staff – understanding what to consider
- factoring in limitations on resources as a result of already supporting a number of students with a disability
Delayed or Conditional Enrolment, Reviewing Enrolment
- Exploring options to:
- delay enrolment or make enrolment conditional
- provide for a review ongoing enrolment, for example to allow for withdrawal of enrolment if there is a change in the level of disability
Incomplete Information or Failure to Provide Information
- Exploring when you can decline enrolment for a failure to provide adequate or complete information at the time of application
Defensible Documentation of Decisions
- Documenting decisions to refuse enrolment to optimise legal defensibility
Jennifer Patterson, Partner, MinterEllison
1.20 Break
1.30 Updating Enrolment Frameworks and Contracts – What Should You Ensure Is Included In 2025?
Outlining Key Applicable Laws
- Outlining key laws applying to enrolment contracts, including the Australian Consumer Law
- Learning from notable cases
Managing Pre-Enrolment
- Managing pre-enrolment including:
- the application form, what should be included and ensuring your collecting of data limits privacy breach risks and optimises privacy compliance
- managing waitlists
- rights and obligations in obtaining information from a previous school
Key Matters to Include in 2025
- Identifying key contract clauses and documents to have in the current environment
- Addressing particular challenges, including:
- separated families
- Consumer Law issues and fee recovery
- student behaviour – social media, breach of school values, uniforms
- parent behaviour including terminating enrolment
- privacy and consent issues
- inclusivity including sex/gender
- information regarding student disability
Clauses Dealing with Terminating Enrolment
- Optimising terms allowing the school to terminate enrolment due to:
- student or parent behaviour, including due to mutual relationship breakdown
- fee payment issues
Modifying Enrolments Terms
- Changing enrolment terms during the course of the student’s enrolment at the school
Ben Tallboys, Principal, Russell Kennedy Lawyers; Legal Counsel, Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia (AHISA)
2.30 Break
2.40 Case Studies: Relying on Enrolment Documentation in Challenging Scenarios, Including Learnings from Recent Fees Cases, Separated Parents, Student Disability Changes, Student and Parent Behaviour, Suspensions and Withdrawing/Terminating Enrolment
- Learnings from how schools have relied on enrolment documentation in particular circumstances and examining where schools have come unstuck. Areas include:
- separated parents
- withdrawal of enrolment due to change in student disability – unjustifiable hardship or issues with reasonable adjustments
- suspensions or expulsions for student behaviour, including breach of school values, or continued “lower level” issues such as uniform policy breaches
- student counselling
- withdrawing enrolment because of the conduct of parents
- withdrawal of enrolment because of a failure of parents to provide key information
- changing of fee structures or teaching arrangements
- seeking fees relating to parents withdrawing the student from school
- Optimising communications with parents and advocates to ensure you can rely on enrolment terms and defend your legal position
Ben Tallboys, Principal, Russell Kennedy Lawyers; Legal Counsel, Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia (AHISA)
3.40 Chairperson’s Conclusion
3.45 Event Close
Presenters / panelists include: