Date | 8 August 2024 |
Time | 12.00pm-3.35pm AEST (Syd/Melb/Bris time) |
Venue | Live Online with recording (recording access expires 8 September 2024) |
Pricing | $440 Price includes gst. |
Sector | Non-State Schools |
CPD | Addresses 7.2 of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers |
12.00 LawSense Welcome
12.05 Chairperson’s Introduction
Jane Macneil, Corporate Services Manager and Company Secretary, Yarra Valley Grammar School
12.10 Building Finance, Leasing/Hiring Out and Maintenance: Ensuring You Effectively Address Current Risks, Optimise the School’s Position and Meet Not for Profit Requirements
Key Legal and Risk Considerations with Different Finance & Building Use Arrangements
- Outlining building finance and use arrangements with schools, applicable law, key risks and aspects to consider
Not for Profit Restrictions
- Exploring prohibited structures or arrangements (especially with associated entities) in:
- financing and loans
- leases and land / building use arrangements
- service and management fee arrangements
Hiring Out School Facilities
- Exploring common scenarios where schools allow external parties or the public to use facilities
- Examining the school’s duty of care and child safety obligations
- Assessing your options, including risk assessment and management of potential liability and obligations
- Considerations in allowing hiring groups to use the school’s name
- Examining key matters to consider in contracts with external users of school spaces or facilities
- Indemnity arrangements: to what extent will indemnity clauses cover the school?
Optimising Maintenance Contracts
- Examining key aspects to consider in long term and one-off maintenance contracts in the current environment, including cleaning contracts
- Ensuring you meet child safety obligations in dealing with contractors and their staff
Jonathan Teh, Principal, Russell Kennedy Lawyers
1.10 Break
1.20 School Building and Repair Projects: Selecting Optimum Procurement Strategies and Contracts in a Changed Environment
- Examining factors driving increased risks and pricing in tendering and managing school building and maintenance projects
- Categorising the projects by size and complexity and/or risk
- Reviewing key procurement approaches for school projects:
- appointment of builder or preferred supplier
- open tender / closed tender
- owner builder
- Examining the pros and cons of each procurement approach
- Appointment of architect and engineers:
- pros and cons of using the architect as the project manager
- optimising the roles and responsibilities of architects and engineers throughout the project
- Construct only versus design and construct
- Dealing with builders retention:
- cash, bank guarantee, or insurance?
- release of the bank guarantee
- Exploring options to manage sub-contractor or builder insolvency risk
- Reviewing forms of contracts and key considerations in selecting one contract type over another, Standards Australia, ABIC, MBA and HIA
- Maintenance projects and their categories – ones where terms are non-negotiable ie lift maintenance, fixed price or rates
Andrew Denehy, Partner, Gadens
2.20 Break
2.30 Examining Best Practice in Managing Ongoing School Building Projects and Dealing with Disputes and Defects
- Exploring and comparing arrangements in schools for ongoing management of building projects
- School staff member involvement in the project:
- exploring the optimum role of the staff member in project delivery
- dealing with circumstances where something goes wrong and the consultants and the builder blame the staff member and do not accept the responsibility for the problem
- Dispute management and resolution:
- examining common clauses relevant to dispute resolution in school building or maintenance contracts and relevant law
- optimising the school’s position in dealing with disputes
- Understanding your rights and options in dealing with defects claims
- Examining processes, options and work-arounds where the builder is in financial trouble
- Learning from school case studies – what has worked well and where have schools come unstuck?
Helena Golovanoff, Partner, Holding Redlich Lawyers
3.30 Closing Remarks from the Chair
3.35 Event Close
Presenters / panelists include: